

Link : [http://doi.org/10.1021/acsnano.3c03407]

Back-End-of-Line Compatible Large-Area Molybdenum Disulfide Grown on Flexible Substrate: Enabling High-Performance Low-Power Memristor Applications


Arindam Bala,​ Anamika Sen, Junoh ShimSrinivas Gandla, Sunkook​ Kim*


ACS Nano,​ 17, 14 (2023) 

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Link : [http://doi.org/10.1002/eom2.12389]

Digital Colorimetric Sensing for Real-time Gas Monitoring for Smart Green Energy System


Hui Hun Cho, Riya Dutta, Jang-Kyun Kwak, Changgyun Moon, Min-Jae Kim, Su-Jeong Suh, Dong-Hwan Kim*, Jung Heon Lee*, and Sunkook Kim*​​


EcoMat​, e12389​ (2023)  

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Link : [http://doi.org/10.1002/cnma.202300104]

Synthesis strategies and nanoarchitectonics for high-performance transition metal dichalcogenide thin film field-effect transistors


Seungho Baek, Suhyeon Kim, Sang A Han, Yong Ho Kim*, Sunkook Kim*, and Jung Ho Kim*​​


ChemNanoMat​, 9, 7, e202300104​ (2023)  

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Link : [http://doi.org/10.1002/adfm.202301919]

Boosting Sensitivity and Reliability in Field-Effect Transistor-Based Biosensors with Nanoporous MoS2 Encapsulated by Non-planar Al2O3


Anamika Sen, Junoh Shim, Arindam Bala, Heekyeong Park*, and Sunkook Kim* 


Advanced Functional Materials​, 2301919 (accepted as cover page - 2023) 

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Link : [http://doi.org/10.1021/acsaelm.3c00394]

High-speed Current Switching of Inverted-staggered Bottom-gate a-IGZO-based Thin Film Transistors with Highly Stable Logic Circuit Operations


Muhammad Naqi, Yongin​ Cho, and Sunkook​ Kim*​​


ACS Applied Electronic Materials​, 5, 6 (2023)  

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Link : [http://doi.org/10.1021/acsnano.2c11567]

Se-vacancy Healing with Substitutional Oxygen in WSe2 for High Mobility p-type Field-Effect Transistors​


Haewon Cho, Mayuri Sritharan, Younghyun Ju, Pavan Pujar, Riya Dutta, Woosung Jang, Youngmin Kim*, Seongin Hong*, Youngki Yoon*, and Sunkook Kim*​​


ACS Nano​, 17, 12​ (accepted as cover page - 2023)   

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Link : [http://doi.org/10.1002/eom2.12356]

Wearable and implantable bioelectronics as eco-friendly and patient-friendly integrated nanoarchitectonics for next-generation smart healthcare technology


Suhyeon Kim, Seungho Baek, Ronald Sluyter, Konstantin Konstantinov, Jung Ho Kim*, Sunkook Kim*, Yong Ho Kim*​​


EcoMat​, e12356​ (2023)  

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Link : [http://doi.org/10.1021/acsaelm.3c00094]

Evolution of high dielectric permittivity in low-temperature solution combustion processed phase-pure high entropy oxide (CoMnNiFeCr)O for thin film transistors


Ashritha​ Salian, Pavan​ Pujar, Robbi​ Vardhan, Haewon​ Cho, Sunkook​ Kim*, Saumen​ Mandal* ​​


ACS Applied Electronic Materials​, 5, 5 (2023) 

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Link : [http://doi.org/10.1038/s41528-023-00246-3]

​Stretchable array sEMG sensor with graph neural network for static and dynamic gestures recognition system


Hyeyun Lee, Soyoung Lee, Jaeseong Kim, Heesoo Jung, Kyung Jae Yoon*​, Srinivas Gandla*​, Hogun Park*​, and Sunkook Kim*​​


NPJ Flexible Electronics​, 7, 20 (2023)  

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Link : [http://doi.org/10.1002/adma.202210715]

Wafer-scale Nanoporous 2D Active Pixel Image Sensor Matrix with High Uniformity, High sensitivity, and Rapid Switching​


Heekyeong Park, Anamika Sen, Manasa Kaniselvan, AbdulAziz AlMutairi, Arindam Bala, Luke P. Lee*, Youngki Yoon*, and Sunkook Kim*​​


Advanced Materials​, 35, 14, (accepted as Cover page ​- 2023) 


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