

Link : [http://doi.org/10.1080/15980316.2023.2174195]

Low temperature processed, highly stable CMOS inverter by integrating Zn-ON and tellurium thin-film transistors


Muhammad Naqi, Seong Cheol Jang, Yongin Cho, Ji Min Park, Joo On Oh, Hyun Yeol Rho, Hyun-Suk Kim* and Sunkook Kim*


Journal of Information Display​, 2174195 (2023)

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Link : [http://doi.org/10.1002/adfm.202211762]

Laser-induced carbonization for anticounterfeiting tags


Srinivas Gandla, Changgyun Moon, Seungho Baek, Hogun Park*, Sunkook Kim*


Advanced Functional Materials​, 2211762​, (accepted as Cover page ​- 2023)

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Link : [http://doi.org/10.1021/acsaelm.2c01513]

Phases in HfO2-based ferroelectric thin films and their integration in low-power devices


Pavan​ Pujar, Haewon​ Cho, Sunkook​ Kim*


ACS Applied Electronic Materials​,​ 5, 1, 11 (2023)

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Link : [http://doi.org/10.1021/acsnano.2c08615]

In situ Synthesis of Two-Dimensional Lateral Semiconducting-Mo:Se//Metallic-Mo Junctions using controlled diffusion of Se for high-performance large-scaled Memristor


Arindam​ Bala, Byungjun​ So, Pavan​ Pujar, Changgyun​ Moon, Sunkook​ Kim*


ACS Nano​, 17, 5, (accepted as Cover page ​- 2023) 

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Link : [http://doi.org/10.1002/aelm.202200473]

Hydrogel-based real-time wireless liquid level monitoring system for size-independent infusion bags


Jonghwan Shin, Mingoo Lee, Dipti Gupta, Sunkook Kim*, Srinivas Gandla*


Advanced Electronic Materials​, 8, 11, 2200473 (2022)

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Link : [http://doi.org/10.1002/adfm.202205106]

Low-Temperature Plasma-Assisted Growth of Large-Area MoS2 for Transparent Phototransistors


Arindam Bala, Na Liu, Anamika Sen, Yongin Cho, Pavan Pujar, Byungjun So and Sunkook Kim*


Advanced Functional Materials​, 32, 44, 2205106 (2022) 

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Link : [http://doi.org/10.1021/acsaelm.2c00614]

Transparent and Flexible Copper Iodide Resistive Memories Processed with a Dissolution-Recrystallization Solution Technique


Arindam Bala, Pavan Pujar, Debottam Daw, Yongin Cho, Muhammad Naqi, Haewon Cho, Srinivas Gandla, Sunkook Kim*


ACS Applied Electronic Materials​,​ 4, 8 (2022) 

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Link : [http://doi.org/10.1002/smll.202202912]

Surface Passivation of Layered MoSe2 via van der Waals Stacking of Amorphous Hydrocarbon


Do-Hyeon Lee, Viet Dongquoc, Seongin Hong, Seung-Il Kim, Eunjeong Kim, Su-yeon Cho, Chang-Hwan Oh, Yeonjin Je, Mi Ji Kwon, Anh Hoang Vo, Dong-Bum Seo, Jae Hyun Lee, Sunkook Kim*, Eui-Tae Kim*, and Jun Hong Park*


​Small​, 18, 402202912 (2022)  

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Link : [http://doi.org/10.1038/s41699-022-00325-5]

Multilevel Artificial Electronic Synaptic Device of Direct Grown Robust MoS2 Based Memristor Array for In-Memory Deep Neural Network


Muhammad Naqi, Min Seok Kang, Na liu, Taehwan Kim, Seungho Baek, Arindam Bala, Changgyun Moon, Jongsun Park*​, and Sunkook Kim*


NPJ 2D Materials and Applications (Nature Partner Journals)​, 6, 53 (2022) 

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Link : [http://doi.org/10.1021/acs.jpcc.2c01859]

Large-Area MoS2 Nanosheets with Triangular Nanopore Array as Active and Robust Electrocatalysts for Hydrogen Evolution


Arindam Bala​, Anamika Sen​, Young-Hoon Kim​, Young-Min Kim​, Srinivas Gandla, Heekyeong Park*, Sunkook Kim*


Journal of Physical Chemistry C​, 126, 23 (2022​) 

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